Childbirth education groups are are designed for anyone giving birth, hospital or out-of-hospital, planning natural or medicated.

These are for you!

Please view the information below and then contact us to sign up and receive the event information. Private classes or online options also available.


Topics Include:

Pregnancy Health - nutrition, exercise, emotional changes, optimal fetal positioning

Understanding Labor - stages of labor, best support in each stage, oxytocin flow, specific techniques for issues that arise like posterior presentation, stalled labor, best pushing practices and positions, reducing risk of tearing

Preparing for Birth Emotionally -  exploring the fear-tension-pain cycle,  techniques for reducing fears

Postpartum -  reviewing postpartum recovery and expectations, how to avoid common issues and problems

Breastfeeding - getting a good latch, how you know the baby is getting enough, how to deal with low supply, nipple pain, engorgement, mastitis

Newborn Care - preparing for what to expect both immediately and in the first couple months